
New Mandala Series pdf Download

Mandala Pdf free

Mandalas are abstract designs that start with a central point and emanate outwards, in a series of detailed shapes and patterns. Many cultures around the world use mandalas in their spiritual practice. When you focus on the act of coloring, you naturally fall into a meditative mindset, bringing you closer to the core of your being. Coloring mandalas is a great way to de-stress from the daily grind, by immersing yourself in a relaxing color therapy that puts you in a state of creative flow. Even if you only have 15 – 30 minutes per day to spend coloring, you'll notice the calming effect that it has on your mind, body and emotions. Coloring mandalas encourages a contemplative approach to life. Plus, if you want to learn to draw and paint, coloring pages are a good place to start.
